B2B Kontakt - Apair ENGROS

Apair Wholesale designs, manufactures and sells Apair´s own shoe label featuring beautiful and distinct shoes, bags and accessories with an experimental, unique and desired style. Lise Freiesleben Hjort and Birgitte Holten started Apair wholesale in 2004. The aim is to make high quality and beautiful shoes and at the same time have an experimenting trendy style. The keywords have always been beauty, quality and simplicity. Our shoe designs are a powerful combination of Italian temper with Scandinavian tradition for timeless design.

If you are interested in representing Apair in your market, please contact our head office on + 45 33 93 99 18


Showroom Copenhagen

Nansensgade 39
DK-1366 Copenhagen K
Phone: +45 33 93 99 18


Lise Hjort
Phone: +45 40 97 47 67
E-mail: lise@apair.dk

Birgitte Holten
Phone: +45 21 41 78 90
E-mail: birgitte@apair.dk

Administration and accounting

Nansensgade 39
DK-1366 Copenhagen K
Phone.: +45 33 93 99 18
Fax: +45 33 93 99 29
Vat/IVA: 27173837


Nansensgade 39
DK-1366 Copenhagen K

Kim Aamodt
E-mail: ka@apair.dk

Communications, PR and E-commerce

Kristine Brohl
Phone: +45 33 93 99 18
E-mail: kb@apair.dk


Christina Freiesleben
Phone: +45 40 79 50 37
E-mail: cf@apair.dk


Birgitte Holten
Phone: +45 21 41 78 90
E-mail: birgitte@apair.dk


Messalina Fashion
Nilla Sundström

Phone: +46-(0)730 474799
E-mail: ns@messalina.se


Leena Levänen
Phone: +358 405 731 271
E-mail: leena.levanen@kolúmbus.fi